About Me

Hey there, welcome to my page!I am an artist and designer from the west of Ireland. I create apparel designs, animated gifs, and children's stories.You might have seen some of my shirt designs on Qwertee or Threadless, or used one of my many sticker gifs while posting on Instagram or Tiktok. Explore my work through the links above.

Apparel Design

Thousands of t-shirts and sweaters across the world are emblazoned with my original designs. Take a look at some of my favourites!

Character Design

I love to design original characters. Here are some of my favourite designs.

Sticker Gifs

My vast sticker gif collection on GIPHY has amassed four billion views.
Yes, billion with a B! Here are some of them.


I also write children's stories, and published a range of short stories in Ireland's Own magazine over the years.Here are some of my favourite short stories - download them for free!


Check out the links at the top of the page if you'd like to connect on social media or check out my merch stores. I'd love to hear from you!
Would you like to work with me on a project, or hire me for an art/design role?
Email: [email protected]